7 letter countries that contain U

You can learn about all 7-letter countries that contain U from this article. We have verified the information published in this article with multiple recognized data sources for accuracy.

Summery table of 7 letter countries that contain U
Index Country Continent Population Area
1 Austria Europe 9.12 million 83,871 km2
2 Belarus Europe 9.20 million 207,600 km2
3 Belgium Europe 11.75 million 30,528 km2
4 Burundi Africa 12.84 million 27,834 km2
5 Ecuador America 18.30 million 276,841 km2
6 Hungary Europe 9.68 million 93,028 km2
7 Tunisia Africa 11.80 million 163,610 km2
8 Ukraine Europe 41.13 million 603,550 km2
9 Uruguay America 3.55 million 176,215 km2
10 Vanuatu Oceania 301.30 thousand 12,189 km2

7 letter countries that contain U with maps and flags

1. Austria

A country located in the continent of Europe with a population of 9.12 million people. It comprises 82,445 km2 (31,832 mi2) of land area and 83,871 km2 (32,383 mi2) of total geo area. The capital of Austria is Vienna.

2. Belarus

A country located in the continent of Europe with a population of 9.20 million people. It comprises 202,900 km2 (78,300 mi2) of land area and 207,600 km2 (80,200 mi2) of total geo area. The capital of Belarus is Minsk.

3. Belgium

A country located in the continent of Europe with a population of 11.75 million people. It comprises 30,278 km2 (11,690 mi2) of land area and 30,528 km2 (11,787 mi2) of total geo area. The capital of Belgium is Brussels.

4. Burundi

A country located in the continent of Africa with a population of 12.84 million people. It comprises 25,680 km2 (9,920 mi2) of land area and 27,834 km2 (10,747 mi2) of total geo area. The capital of Burundi is Bujumbura.

5. Ecuador

A country located in the continent of America with a population of 18.30 million people. It comprises 256,369 km2 (98,985 mi2) of land area and 276,841 km2 (106,889 mi2) of total geo area. The capital of Ecuador is Quito.

6. Hungary

A country located in the continent of Europe with a population of 9.68 million people. It comprises 89,608 km2 (34,598 mi2) of land area and 93,028 km2 (35,918 mi2) of total geo area. The capital of Hungary is Budapest.

7. Tunisia

A country located in the continent of Africa with a population of 11.80 million people. It comprises 155,360 km2 (59,980 mi2) of land area and 163,610 km2 (63,170 mi2) of total geo area. The capital of Tunisia is Tunis.

8. Ukraine

A country located in the continent of Europe with a population of 41.13 million people. It comprises 579,300 km2 (223,700 mi2) of land area and 603,550 km2 (233,030 mi2) of total geo area. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev.

9. Uruguay

A country located in the continent of America with a population of 3.55 million people. It comprises 175,015 km2 (67,574 mi2) of land area and 176,215 km2 (68,037 mi2) of total geo area. The capital of Uruguay is Montevideo.

10. Vanuatu

A country located in the continent of Oceania with a population of 301.30 thousand people. It comprises 12,189 km2 (4,706 mi2) of land area and 12,189 km2 (4,706 mi2) of total geo area. The capital of Vanuatu is Port Vila.

  1. World Bank Open Data. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://data.worldbank.org/country
  2. Countries overview | World Health Organization. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.who.int/countries
  3. Wikipedia contributors. (2023b). List of countries and dependencies by area. Wikipedia. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_and_dependencies_by_area